Diary Entry 2
I call myself Gloomy,
Toby is my human name, I know, but,
The kids at school catch me crying and cutting myself,
So they called me Gloomy,
I thought if I already went by the name Gloomy then they can't use it against me,
I coughed up a lot of blood,
I think someone poisened my food,
Maybe they're out to get me still,
Trying to stop the spread of the curse I have,
Anyways, I wish everyone strength,
To keep going and find answers and solutions to your puzzles.
Diary Entry 1
My Mummy and Daddy,
They were very mean,
I cannot escape,
No one believes me,
I either have to stay here or face the fear of the outside world,
I don’t know what to do,
I’m going to stay here and wait for angels,
I need to find a way to alert the angels attention,
I’ve tried calling them already but it didn’t work,
I’ve tried spells and prayers,
I need to find ideas,
Home isn't that bad,
But sometimes it isn't that good.