Diary Entry 2
I call myself Gloomy,
Toby is my human name, I know, but,
The kids at school catch me crying and cutting myself,
So they called me Gloomy,
I thought if I already went by the name Gloomy then they can't use it against me,
I coughed up a lot of blood,
I think someone poisened my food,
Maybe they're out to get me still,
Trying to stop the spread of the curse I have,
Anyways, I wish everyone strength,
To keep going and find answers and solutions to your puzzles.
Diary Entry 1
My Mummy and Daddy,
They were very mean,
I cannot escape,
No one believes me,
I either have to stay here or face the fear of the outside world,
I don’t know what to do,
I’m going to stay here and wait for angels,
I need to find a way to alert the angels attention,
I’ve tried calling them already but it didn’t work,
I’ve tried spells and prayers,
I need to find ideas,
Home isn't that bad,
But sometimes it isn't that good.
Was Fran's adventure real, or fake?
I honestly always liked to think of Fran's adventure was real. To me, I sort of always thought Fran Bow was a Fantasy or Science Fiction game, or something like that.
But it's really up to the player, considering it never really tells you.
What do you guys think?
Do you think Fran was just imagining this, or maybe did/does she have some sort of power that allows her to see things that other people cannot?
Wiki Edit Suggestions
I'm just here to say that if you have any suggestions, drop by my message wall and message me. Thanks!
MathAddict (Talk to me!) 02:41, December 13, 2015 (UTC)
Name question
Hi eveyone um I had a question does anyone know the official name for the security guard in the asylum? I wanted to make a character page for him but can only seem to find him being called the guard any help would be very much aappreciated,Thanks :)
Unobtainable Information
Several of the upper Indiegogo tiers include(d) additional items with additional character info and lore outside of that which we're able to glean just from playing the game, and concept art. Namely:
- The digital Fran Bow diary
- Fran Bow: the Documentary
- Potion from the collector's edition
I think Killmonday on the blog/vlogs said something to the effect that they might start selling shirts, posters, and other merchandise, though probably not the exclusive stuff mentioned above. So it would be nice to find contributors with access to this information.
Also, if this campaign page is to be trusted, there is one (1) outside person who has played the Mr. Midnight minigame. I hope we find this person!
To Do List
Will update with more as I finish replaying bits.
Characters who yet do not have pages:
- 1 Third Reality (Human World)
- 2 Second Reality/Ithersta (Life)
- 3 Fourth Reality (Death)
- 4 Fifth Reality
- 5 Species:
- 6 Inventory Items
- Dr. Marcel Deern
- Mr. Midnight
- Gladys Hannah
- Clara and Mia Buhalmet
- León Castillo
- John Plomet (Exterminator)
- Pandora
- Dr. Oswald Harrison
- Sebastian
- Antonio the Greatest
- Ziar
- Palontras
- Cogwind
- The Great Wizard
- Senersedee
- Itward
- Remor
- Mabuka
- Humans
- Kamala
- Cat
- Ant
- Beetlepig
- Pinecone
- Rat
- Lucifern
- Toad
- Valoka
- Root
- Beetle
- Grasshopper
- Moose
- Deadleeworm
- Fireberries (Afuga Merzenis)
- Rabbit
- Purse
- Knife
- Matches
- Tree Branch
Requires Expansion.