Annie Szhultz is a patient at the Oswald Asylum, she is a hyperactive girl who has presumably being given sleeping pills as part of her treatment.
Annie has dark blonde shoulder-length hair and wears a pale yellow collared one-piece dress with small blue buttons. She walks around barefooted with an agitated look on her face.
Not much is known about Annie but she appears friendly towards Fran and Fran seems to like her as well, stating she will miss her once she leaves. She is seen constantly walking back and forth, only sitting still to give her sleeping medication to Fran in secret. She appears to have problems with concentration, paying attention and remembering things.
It is possible that Annie suffers from ADHD, which was not very well understood at the time the game takes place, which could explain why she has been put in an asylum for being hyperactive.
Fran mentions that Annie loves to drink milk like a kitten.
She is the only patient in Oswald Asylum not to have a corresponding Kamala.
According to Fran, Annie will soon be released from the Asylum.